Hvem Stjal Månen? Interaktiv e-bog til iPad & iPhone

- Tag med Bertie på hans ekspedition for at finde månen med denne charmerende godnathistorie, der nænsomt giver næring til dit barns fantasi, og sender dem af sted ind i den magiske verden af drømme.
- 8 originale sange, fremført af prisvindende sanger Susie Tallman og den kendte australske musiker Richard Pleasance.
- Lyt til en sang eller syng den selv i karaoke indstillingen!
- 4 spil: Fang Guldsmeden!, Farvning, Hukommelse, Puslespil
- Denne bog er interaktiv! Rør og træk ting tværs over skærmen.
- Nysgerrig efter, hvordan denne app blev lavet? Find ud af det på vores blog.
- Kunne du lide vores bog? Vi ville blive glade, hvis du ville "Synes om" vores Facebook side og følge os på Twitter.
af Glenn Jystad, USA
Wow. Fremragende udført. Skøn grafik (som sædvanlig). Dejlige animationer, der bringer det til live. Det her er en vinder!
af Terry Ches, USA
Et perfekt produkt. Venlige farver og smuk brugerflade. Den gør barnet glad.
af Sinister2005, USA
Bedste e-bog nogensinde.
af E&B's mor, USA
Min datter på 3½ elsker den! Den er virkelig herlig! Den holder hendes interesse fanget og illustrationerne er fantastiske.
af Mason Browne, USA
Dejlig historie, smukt illustreret. Veludført interaktivitet. Holder læseren travlt optaget med at finde ud af, hvad han kan røre ved!
af Marlize1, Australien
De mange sprog og interaktiviteten gør denne til min drengs foretrukne. Den tilfredsstiller mit behov for Afrikaans, da vi bor i Australien, hvor der ikke er let adgang til bøger på vores eget sprog.
Jeg vil anbefale denne bog til alle. Vi elsker denne bog!
af Outlaw0008, USA
Jeg havde visse tvivl, da jeg købte denne app, men det var penge givet godt ud.
af Expertismo, Indonesien
Uovertruffen grafik og meget livlige illustrationer. Superb i historiens originalitet. Mine børn og jeg selv nød virkelig at læse den igennem gang på gang. To tommelfingre op.
af Zachary Ethan, USA
Min søn elsker bogen, og jeg endte med at købe bogen, efter han havde set den begrænsede version.
Anouk, Netherlands
We are just starting with ipads in our library. The Moon is our first choice for the kids. Really loved your work and looking forward to the next ones.
KittyKatpurs, India
Brilliant:) I'm a teacher at a play home and all the children totally love this app.. They just cant get enough of it.. And this is one story they can clearly remember ..Its very helpful while teaching and the additional features are great..Simple and easy to use:......
Veekshith, India
Best reading Experience ever on my Ipad This app is totally awessome the way it has been made.. Learning french,so did the whole reading in french. And this app kept me hooked on to the whole story though my French ain't that great.. A of lot other languages are also available.. And I guess I culd never get bored of reading this story using this app.. nice experience....:-D
Ptholome Ac, Ireland
It is an amazing book whish I'm sure, it are going to like every children.
BillyJ987, United States
Coolest thing ever! Even if it`s a little expensive, if you choose to buy the full version, your kid will be happy. I`m glad i bought it.
Rao Venkat, India
Very good and enjoy by recollecting memories of childhood days.
Haircutdaddy, Canada
Wonderful App! My four-year-old daughter was entranced. Perfect for bedtime or anytime. Looking forward to more stories.
Gr8 Mama, United States
An incredible app with beautiful illustration and awesome animation.
breat lee, Australia
Really magical. The music is so atmospheric. I've also never seen as much interactivity in an entire app as I've seen in just one page of this book!
Niklt, Netherlands
Best interactive book! I bought this book for my 4.5 years daughter and she's "reading" it and plays with the puzzles or the drawings or the memory games every evening before going to sleep. For four weeks in a row: record time! Rich interaction, great background music, soft reading voice (NL), great time spent together at the end of the day! Five stars, not four! Once again, it stays in the top of our preferred children interactive books!
Jenny Abber, United States
My kids take turn in playing the games. They are officially addicted. They also enjoy the songs and karaoke. The story is undoubtedly entertaining. The app gives so much more than I whoever would expect.
af ksymeon, Storbritannien
Kan let blive en klassiker! Jeg købte denne app af to grunde, den ene er at jeg er en stor fan af Vlad Gerasimov og hans illustrationer (hans sneleopard er wallpaper på min iPads låste skærm) og den anden er at jeg har en lille dreng, som elsker interaktive bøger på iPad. Denne app giver utrolig meget værdi for pengene. Historien er lang, siderne er levende, der er 8 originale sange. Mit barn vil klikke på alting på hver side... 'Nej far, ikke endnu!' og så vender han siden tilbage. Spillene er rigtig gode og han elsker at spille puslespillet, selv om har brug for lidt hjælp, som 2½ årig — spillet er sat til 4+, så ingen klager herfra. Min eneste kritik ville være at denne app kunne bruge britisk engelsk som en sprogmulighed, og måske en lidt mere teatralsk fortællerstemme, jeg syntes det var temmelig fladt og direkte.
Når det så er sagt, får man meget mere værdi for pengene med denne app end med noget andet i app-butikken. Og samtidig er illustrationerne uforlignelige. Vlad når han er bedst! 5 stjerner!
af René Overhorst, Holland
Magisk! Vi har været Vlad-fans i årevis og bruger hans wallpapers på alle vores i-enheder. Denne app er en storslået version af den originale bog (som står i vores reol) og det var en nem beslutning at købe den fulde version!
af BrightMeadow, Storbritannien
Smukt illustreret og designet med fantastisk interaktivitet. Der sker masser af ting, der understøtter historien, når de små fingre trykker overalt på skærmen. Det er en ganske lang historie, især når man begynder at spille sangene. Historien i sig selv er også ganske sofistikeret.
deadpuma, United States
Amazing interactive book for kids! The story is really great. The app has beatufill graphics, nice animations. There are also some built-in mini games. This app also include 8 great songs and karaoke! You can play games and sing in karaoke. Very fun app! Supports a lot of languages! Excellent book! Definitely worth buying!
Moonlover07, Israel
Brilliant! My 3 year old cannot have enough of it.
Danny Casson, United States
This is, by far, the most AMAZING book in apps! The story is adorable and the effects are simply unbelievable!! My girls fell in love with it!!
jakes.mommy, United States
Fantastic book! My son enjoyed this book! Great interaction for kids! Thanks for making such a wonderful app!
Sergey Chernyshov, Canada
Story, illustrations, games and songs - all Inclusive:), and all - cute and funny! Great book.
RichiRich, United Kingdom
Not only delightful and cute, but also educational, in a really subtle and non-pushy way. Don't see that much these days.
Honeybear85, United States
This interactive story has beautiful graphics and music. I love it and highly recommend it to the young and old and everyone in-between.
Julialovebook, South Korea
This book is Great & Cute. I love it :-)
Ashu1997, India
This apps like the best thing you could possibly get for narrating a story..My brother totally loves.. I play the games too along with him.. Its all perfectly made and my brothers gonna learn a lot along with the entertainment ..Couldnt ask for more..Cheers!:)
Ramsharan G.J., India
This is one of THE most amusing and entertaining app one could get for my child so far... He totally loves it. And the way the story has bin narrated along with all the additional music by great artists is just awesome... Not to forget the karaoke which is awesome too. I dont think theres any addition that can be done to the app to make it any better. Highly RECOMMENDED and a complete 5 star for its awesomeness!!:)
Lene Randol, United States
So Much Fun! The book is very appropriate for bedtime and the games are so much fun. My daughter can’t put it down, and I can ask her to finish homework early and let her play the games on my iPhone in return.
af Arutyun Mokoyan, USA
En fantastisk interaktiv bog! Fantastisk design, herlige interaktive spil, sange og karaoke! Anbefales varmt til børn! Værd at købe!
af Cliff Spab, USA
En app der byder på rige muligheder for indlæring og er yderst gavnlig for børn. Smuk brugerflade og let at bruge. Herligt!
af StoneAppleMusic, USA
Skønne illustrationer, skøn historie, masser af interaktivitet. Også dejlige spil. Mine børn elsker den! HSM har givet mig et kig til fremtiden inden for e-bøger og de endeløse muligheder for at gribe vores forestillingsevne.
af BDav49, Canada
Dette er en fantastisk app. Jeg elsker den lige så meget, som mit 21 måneder gamle barnebarn. Illustrationerne, fortællingen og musikken er meget tiltalende. Der er timevis af underholdning i denne app.
af Laura 99337, USA
Min datter elsker at læse "Hvem Stjal Månen?". Den er meget kreativ. I det hele taget en skøn godnathistorie og sjov for de små. Tak!!!
af dreadnok, USA
Herlig bog, veludførte billeder og historie, jeg nød den lige så meget, som børnene gjorde.
af 123flow, Storbritannien
Fantastisk! Det er sådan en bog skal være på en iPad. Så meget at røre og udforske.
af katoliva, USA
Elsker den!! Illustrationerne er forbløffende.
Popsicleloldash, United States
Amazing!!! "Who stole the moon" is by far the best interactive book out there!! It's super adorable and has fun throughout the whole thing!!! Everyone should have this app! :)
K-Squared, United States
Over the Moon! Outstanding interactive book for children. (and dare I say for adults too!) Lots of fun - great story - beautiful artwork. It's great to see wholesome, family books like this one.
Franchessie, United States
A wonderful storytelling app for kids and adults alike! The future of bedtime stories is finally here, and it's awesome. I downloaded this app for my niece and we both love it! The graphics are excellent, the games are fun, and the story is educational and entertaining at the same time. We played with the app over and over again, and we’re still not tired of it. Highly recommended!
RichiRich, United Kingdom
Not only delightful and cute, but also educational, in a really subtle and non-pushy way. Don't see that much these days.
London-Tube, United Kingdom
Loving it! Good to see a book with 're-play' value.
Jessica Wharton, Australia
Wow, what an incredibly charming story! I can tell from just the first few pages that the rest of the book will be a treat.
John Schmidt, United States
Incredible! I have downloaded lots if different "interactive" books and this one actually gets it. Have always loved this artist's work and was not disappointed. Hoping for more soon.
Icorp2012, Russia
My children really like it! Thank you!
Epupa, United States
The story is great and the UI too. My daughter loves this book!
MeroMero187, United States
Best app ever! So satisfied. It really is worth the money, I purchased this tonight and have tried it out for myself. I can't wait for my girls to see it in the morning. WONDERFUL!
hazardperception, United Kingdom
Lovely book, but a bit annoying when downloaded as a free app, that a couple of pages into the book, you are asked to pay for basically the whole story. Bit of a hiccup when a child is listening for the first time. Would have been better to make this a paid for app in the first place. Wonderful book otherwise.
Joey Bobby, United States
I downloaded the app for my kids and they just love it. The story is beautiful and entertaining. This is an interactive book so it is much more fun compared to conventional books. Highly recommended.